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Encourage you to buy a licensed business

"Throw away the packaging, logo slit, packaged, do not carry with them one invoice, then check to OK it!" Shikai Li said she had friends to sweep the goods bought about a dozen high-end package, all boating, have not been checked and successfully via. "This is too depends on fortune, but we seem to not do business that very few human checked up!"

Shopping to distinguish between smuggling and lawyers

Hefei Citizens Shikai Li equitable went to Hong Kong late last month swept the goods, bought a Burberry coat, equivalent to ten thousand dollars, to help friends and home with 8 razor has more than twenty thousand dollars , plus cosmetics and other items totaling fewer there are fifty thousand dollars. The key is, these asset there is also a iPad. So numerous things, Dan Kaili not a cent taken away along customs tax!

Anhui Zhu Heng Law Office lawyers that the administration, overseas shopping, purchasing nothing erroneous, but must pay attention to, can not break the law. "Shopping is the crossing of trafficking and the focus is whether to pay tariffs. Usually the customs may decide whether it is smuggling, if there is a big value of likely nefarious penalties, but the law is no longer a decision of executive punishment."

Increasingly renowned as abroad shopping, purchasing, Zhu G to remind consumers: Do not buy stolen merchandise into the person. "Go to some stores to buy so-called 'Hong Kong version', 'U.S. version' products Ye Hao, purchasing, or are seeking, we have to pay attention to discern the formal testimony of invoices and tax payout." If those who take superfluous purchasing, suspected of smuggling, the purchase who may become the fence to "This is not allowed in the statute."

For the customs of the fashionable requirements, however Shikai Li has not been taxed each time, she is still quite complaining: "go to Hong Kong as we sweep the shipment, how can you not buy extra than five thousand things? Just anyone bag, overcoat know next to nothing ofmething to more than ah! I bought for I need to Hong Kong and abroad because of cheaper shopping ah! "

In Bainaohui malls, a monopoly counter a variety of electronic products, technical Xiao Yang told correspondents namely the present tax policy above the Hong Kong Customs Edition, the U.S. version of digital product bargains have mini achieve, "We have our own afford aisle Customs tax has no occurred to us what clash, merely over period it ambition cost it namely hard to mention, but even namely will no rise up so many 1000. "with a counter sales of the additional women staff was quite mysterious apt say: "In truth, among a hike, say hello and entire namely not an check the impose you, principally those majority purchasing, and basically have a path to not disburse taxes. Some of the Hong Kong edition, the U.S. version or smuggled it! "but still encourage buyers to buy licensed affair, aboard the grounds that warranty. "Although it looks a little valuable, but the mainstream tin have free warranty, which namely very momentous."

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People throw away the packaging below disloyal pretenses

Customs General Administration, the dwellers to obtain outdoor of personal use items, whether the total worth of more than 5,000 yuan, the excess chapter of the Immigration, the Customs will levy; iPad peppery claim nowadays must be taxed regardless of its amount. But this does not appear to influence the public overseas shopping, purchasing passion, they tried every manner to "undressed tax" entrance. Lawyers are reminded, be low and do not destroy the law.

"Even overseas shopping cheap, but they can not break the law, must be handled in consensus with the provisions of duty-paid customs formalities." Zhu said political, commerce and other fashions of txt ahead the concert can be who will bear the duty and pay attention to reserve the relevant notes.

Shikai Li told reporters that the network is immediately also follow the trend of purchasing prices, "I have a friend who often go abroad for work,Hand-Painted Silk Scarves Are Climbing apt The Luxuries, we constantly let her aid before purchasing someone, we do not have shoes bag ah, ah, a bit like a plus point charges Now the new regulations to appliance the charges afterward she rose. "

Purchasing of goods through customs when you have to pay tax? Shikai Li said that some products, digital products, although not free, but because of added fares, but also those who never must query purchasing to pay tax, "even the invoices do not absence it to, let unattended paid proof of what?"

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